Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Days 23 and 24

Location: Brisbane
Country: Australia
Day number: 25
Mood: Cheerful

So, day 23 I applied for work in a few places and had a few beers. After waiting for a reply and receiving no response, I decided to ask at the desk if they would be willing to hire me. The guy wanted someone who would be in Australia for a bit longer than another month, but he offered me 2 and a half hours work a day in return for free accommodation. It means I can stay here for very little money while I try and find paying work.

Ventured out into the city to have a look around, but didn't go far. Day 23 was a quiet day.

Day 24 was my first day of work, and Tim (the manager) was impressed with how hard I worked. Offered me 3 hours of free internet use aswell and said if I needed a reference for anyone in Australia he would give me one. Not bad for 2 and a half hours work.

The guy in the bed underneath me... dear god, if he snored any louder New Zealand would have another earthquake. I had to pour four ciders down me in order to get any sleep on day 2 of that room. On the bright side, I'm changing rooms.

Ventured out again to find a bank account. I've decided to work in the mornings (start at 9:30, end at midday) to avoid the heat, as it's usually what forces me back inside again in the afternoons. Even when it's cloudy it's pushing 28 degrees here, which I'm just not used to. I've tanned quite a lot though which is good! Checked out the four main banks, but eventually settled on Westpac, who don't charge me anything (most here do) and had a very convincing girl behind the sales desk. I'm a sucker for a cute smile.

I forgot to mention, when I was in Canberra Cathy cut my hair which was nice of her! Means I can actually see. Just in case you were looking at the photo's and wondering! And yes, I'm struggling to find things to put here now...

Well, slightly different time. It's day 25 for me now, and I'm off to try and find a hat to buy. Will keep looking for jobs, wish I had more experience to offer.

Hope everyone is well,


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